ACC: Highlights from 'The beginner's guide to ACC' webinar

Rewatch the WebinarWe hope you found 'The beginner's guide to ACC' webinar helpful and informative. If you'd like to re-watch any part of it or if you couldn't make it, we've included the recording a… READ MORE

NIP Update: Clarifying gap between doses | Evaluation of Māori influenza and measles vaccination programme | MMR resources

Tēnā koutou health sector friends, advocates and colleagues, Happy Friday! COVID-19 Clarifying the gap between boosters We’ve had requests for clarification around the gap between first and second… READ MORE

HNZ: Primary Health Dataset Programme (PHDP) PMAANZ briefing 28 July 2022 - slides

Kia ora Thanks for attending the meeting yesterday. Please find enclosed the presentation and provisional summary of comments and questions captured during the briefing. Good discussion and question… READ MORE

HNZ: COVID-19 Care in the Community update for primary care

Kia ora   We would be grateful if you can pass on the following COVID-19 Care in the Community updates to your networks where relevant.  COVID-19 Care in the Community  Invitations have been sent o… READ MORE

HNZ: New campaign | 'Talk to us today' and measles collateral | Vaccination hui

Dear health sector friends, advocates and colleagues COVID-19 To help drive vaccination uptake we have a number of promotional activities in train… New vaccination campaign coming Last week we menti… READ MORE

HNZ: Advance Prescriptions for Oral COVID-19 Antiviral Medicines

Tēnā koutou katoa, Please find attached draft guidance information on “Advance Prescriptions for Oral COVID-19 Antiviral Medicines”. Note we have used the terminology of “advance prescription” as the… READ MORE

HNZ: Second booster clarification | New resources

Dear healthcare friends and advocates I hope you’ve had a good week and haven’t been too badly affected by bad weather or sickness. Here are this week’s vaccination comms updates. We would appreciate… READ MORE

HNZ: AstraZeneca and Novavax second booster bookings now on Book My Vaccine

Dear primary care friends Please see some new information relating AstraZeneca and Novavax. We would appreciate it if you would share this information with your members/networks.  Top-line messages … READ MORE

HNZ: Important in-confidence message: COVID-19 therapeutics

Kia Ora Koutou We are emailing to provide the primary care sector with information regarding COVID-19 therapeutics that will be announced by Associate Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall later today. … READ MORE

HNZ: Updated Clinical and Operational Guidance

Kia ora koutou, Updated Primary Care Quick Reference Guide: On the back of recently updated COVID-19 Clinical Reinfection guidance, the Primary Care Quick Refence Guide has also been updated and is … READ MORE