Posted 19 months ago by Carole Unkovich
General Practice Leaders Forum response to 1 July uplift.
Please find attached a joint response on behalf of the GP Leaders’ Forum to the draft Prescription Notice received on 19 May 2023. The six membership organisations – GPNZ, RNZCGP, Hauora Taiwhenua, GenPro, PMAANZ and the College of Primary Health Care Nurses – reject the 5% uplift proposed by Te Whatu Ora and have outlined a 20-point plan for the stabilisation and recovery of general practice.
We will share the response with our respective members tomorrow, as well as with relevant politicians, officials and the media.
We hope there will be an opportunity to discuss the solutions put forward in the near future.
Ngā mihi nui
Maura Thompson |
General Practice New Zealand
Mobile: +64 21 02579859