Posted 17 months ago by Carole Unkovich
Nurse pay parity for primary and community - Newshub, 6pm tonight
Kia ora Exec, CEOs+delegates and Nurse Leads,
Michael Morrah is putting together a piece on the pay gap for primary, community and telehealth nurses which we expect to air tonight on Tv3/newshub, 6pm. This timing was pushed for by show bosses, Michael thinks it may be because they have the leaders debate at 7pm.
Remains to be seen what he will cut together, but he has indicated his themes will be:
- apparent political inaction over commitment to pay parity for primary care and community nurses despite 12 leading organisations asking for urgent clarity
- the case for change to the funding model for primary care clinics with evidence of clinic closures, widespread financial losses and reports citing the current system isn't fit for purpose
- what is at stake and how it will impact everyday NZers.
The group has also widely issued a joint press release (attached), embargoed till 6pm to give the exclusive to Newshub, so we hope to see more coverage in the coming days.
Fiona Cassie, NZ Doc has been given advance notice, and she will publish the joint release in the ‘undoctored’ section of their website tonight at 6pm, she may have some further follow up too.
I’ve attached the final joint release, a ‘badge’ we are all using to unite across our various platforms and a frame that can be used around your linkedin profile photo individually and for your organisation (see examples attached). I’m happy to ‘frame’ you if you supply me with an image/logo. Expect to see a few framed faces popping up on linkedin after 6pm tonight across the various organisations.
Maura has been keeping Andrew Slater up to date to ensure Te Whatu Ora will not be unfairly put on the spot for comment.
The comms working group will catch up sometime next week to debrief and discuss potential next steps. It’s been useful to make the connections with all these organisations, I think it will prove valuable going forward.
Nāku noa, nā
Marie Simpson
Head of Communications and Engagement
+64 21 157 5204