Posted 13 months ago by Carole Unkovich
HPV Screen | Register for Online Regional Workshops
Tēnā koē,
We have confirmed dates for the regional workshops which will be held online next week.
The purpose of the workshops is to engage with sector partners to advance the next phase initiatives of the HPV Primary Screening Programme.
Initiatives to be progressed include the:
a) development of a sustainable, comprehensive funding model for priority populations,
b) exploring PMS integration and central notifications
Underpinning this kaupapa will be a focus of “strengthening and aligning ways of working to improve whānau/participant screening journey.”
Click on the link to register for the workshop in your region below
Tue 13 Feb |
Wed 14 Feb |
Thu 15 Feb |
Fri 16 Feb |
10.00am – 12.00pm Central Region |
2.00pm – 4.00pm Northern Region |
11.30am – 1.30pm Te Manawa Taki Region
3.00 – 5.00pm Te Waipounamu Region |
10.00am – 12.00pm Catch-Up – All Regions |
Workshop Agenda
The following is an outline of the workshop agenda, and we ask that in preparation, you bring your thoughts and feedback:
- Introduction and objectives
- Current state, what work needs to be done now and in the next 6-12 months.
- What is ‘working well’ and ‘what needs to be improved’?
- Next steps – following the initial regional workshops, we plan to hold further engagement (mixed method delivery) with smaller in-depth Design Teams for each of the focus areas (funding, PMS/Notifications) during late February/early March 2024. Sector partners will be asked to self-select into the Design Teams to start deep-diving into each topic and begin co-creating solutions.
We are aware that for many, the current interim funding arrangement for HPV Primary Screening for priority populations ends 1 April 2024. Therefore, the intent is to have an agreed funding approach by the end of March 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact
Ngā mihi nui,
National Cervical Screening Programme