Posted 23 months ago by Carole Unkovich
NIP update: Whānau vaccination events in Tairāwhiti | Save the date! - National Immunisation Programme stakeholder hui | Updated COVID-19 consent form | Regular reminders.
Kia ora koutou,
Whānau vaccination events in Tairāwhiti
We’d like to share with you this social tile below (also attached as a PDF) created by Turanga Health to promote next Sunday’s drive thru vaccination event ‘Whanau vaccinations’ that is taking place in Waikirikiri Park or Matai Station.
They are also launching a video on Monday 25 October via Te Whatu Ora Tairāwhiti social media accounts – keep an eye out for it.
A couple of weeks ago we shared a YouTube video showing the drive-through event for childhood vaccinations and the lessons from Tairāwhiti. If you missed it, you can view the presentation here.
Save the date! - National Immunisation Programme stakeholder hui
Following a busy, but successful online hui held earlier this month, we’re pleased to advise we are going to hold two more one-hour sessions before the end of the year. We’d like these sessions to be more interactive, so if you have vaccination-related questions or suggestions, we’d love to hear from you – you can email me
The hui is designed to keep our vaccination and immunisation teams up to date with plans and activities undertaken by the National Immunisation Programme.
Please save this date in your diaries, and we will come back with some details next week: Thursday 10 November 2022 from 12noon to 1.00pm.
COVID-19 consent form
There is a new version update of the COVID-19 consent form, this will only be available through Dropbox for download. As we are anticipating more changes to the consent form, we will not be printing stock for this.
Updates to the consent form include:
- Please let the vaccinator know if you have diabetes
- If you are receiving Novavax, please let the vaccinator know if your first dose was not Novavax
- Minor grammar changes
The updated version of COVID-19 consent form will be available from next Tuesday 25 October 2022 here: Dropbox: COVID-19 consent form
Weekly vaccination data
The weekly, online Trends and Insights showing Māori and Pacific data can be found here: COVID-19 Trends and Insights, COVID-19: Current Cases, COVID-19 Case Demographics and COVID-19 Vaccine Data.
Collateral on Dropbox
Don’t forget all our immunisation collateral is available on Dropbox for health care providers to use when promoting vaccinations. Please feel free to share this link and the collateral widely with your other healthcare colleagues: Dropbox: NIP – vaccine resources – Simplify your life.
Consent forms (English and Te Reo Māori) and policy statements for use by health professionals can also be found in this Dropbox.
You can also find a range of vaccination stories to share on our YouTube channel.
Ngā mihi nui,
Sandy Thambiah
Senior Adviser, Engagement
National Immunisation Programme
waea pūkoro: +64 21 248 1288| īmēra:
133 Molesworth Street, Te Whanganui-a-Tara