Posted 5 months ago by Carole Unkovich
To: Professional bodies, Whakarongorau, Partnership, Action and Equity Rōpū
This is a reminder to provide feedback by Friday October 25, 2024.
The National Cervical Screening Programme has undertaken a review of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Cervical Screening. This has provided the opportunity to incorporate the most recent evidence and undertake a collaborative guideline review process.
A Clinical Practice Guidelines review group was established and participated in two workshops to review and develop the revised guidelines. A number of recommendations for changes have been made by the guidelines group.
We are seeking your feedback on the draft guidelines and recommendations, attached.
Please use this online form to provide feedback relating to each section. A word template is also attached and can be returned to
Please provide feedback by Friday October 25, 2024.
Thank you for considering these guidelines, we appreciate your input.
Kia manuia
Dr Georgina McPherson
Clinical Lead Clinical Practice Guidelines Review