Posted 2 years ago by Carole Unkovich
National Immunisation Programme update: 28 October 2022
Kia ora koutou,
A couple of updates from us this week for you to share with your networks and channels. Thank you!
National Immunisation Programme hui
Our next National Immunisation Programme hui is being held from 12 noon – 1.00pm, Thursday, 10 November 2022. We warmly invite you to attend.
This lunchtime hui is designed to keep our vaccination and immunisation teams up to date with plans and activities undertaken by the National Immunisation Programme.
Please remember to copy the hui details below in your calendar:
National Immunisation Programme – stakeholder hui Thursday 10 November 2022 – 12pm to 1pm. Please copy and paste this information and the link into your diaries for the above scheduled date and time Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 492 624 400 300 |
We encourage you to forward this invitation to any health sector colleagues who wish to attend. We look forward to seeing you online.
Whanau vaccination events in Tairāwhiti
Last week we shared with you a social tile created by Turanga Health to promote the drive thru vaccination event ‘Whanau vaccinations’ that is taking place in Waikirikiri Park or Matai Station this Sunday 30 October 2022. The team at Turanga Health has also launched a video for the event. View the youtube video here:
Source: Turanga Health
Updated collateral in Dropbox
We have made some minor copy changes to the Meningococcal poster and flyer (HP8205 and HP8196). You can find the new edited versions here: Dropbox: Meningococcal.
COVID-19 Translations
We are making available in our Dropbox COVID-19 translations for:
- After your Pfizer vaccination (26 translations)
- Protecting your tamariki aged 5 to 11 from COVID-19 (27 translations)
- After your child's Pfizer vaccination (27 translations)
You will be able to find them here: Dropbox: COVID-19 Translations.
Consultation (Sharing on behalf of Pharmac)
In case you didn’t already see this, Pharmac has asked for us to share this information with our networks.
Please follow this link to a Pharmac consultation regarding a proposal to widen access to the meningococcal B vaccine (Bexsero) and secure supply of shingles vaccine (Shingrix).
To provide feedback, please submit it in writing by 5pm on Tuesday 8 November 2022 to:
Regular reminders
Weekly vaccination data
A new weekly, online Trends and Insights report has replaced our previous, downloadable Whānau Māori and Pacific Peoples Data summaries. Our Māori and Pacific data can be found here: COVID-19 Trends and Insights, COVID-19: Current Cases, COVID-19 Case Demographics and COVID-19 Vaccine Data.
Collateral on Dropbox
Don’t forget all our immunisation collateral is available on Dropbox for health care providers to use when promoting vaccinations. Please feel free to share this link and the collateral widely with your other healthcare colleagues: Dropbox: NIP – vaccine resources – Simplify your life.
Consent forms (English and Te Reo Māori) and policy statements for use by health professionals can also be found in this Dropbox.
You can also find a range of vaccination stories to share on our YouTube channel.
Ngā mihi nui,
Sandy Thambiah
Senior Adviser, Engagement
National Immunisation Programme
waea pūkoro: +64 21 248 1288| īmēra:
133 Molesworth Street, Te Whanganui-a-Tara
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