Posted 23 months ago by Carole Unkovich
National Immunisation Programme update - 17 February 2023
Kia ora koutou colleagues,
Please see below our update for the week ended 17 February 2023. Please share this with your contacts as relevant. Thank you so much.
National Immunisation Programme’s stakeholder hui
Thank you to those who attended the NIP stakeholder hui held yesterday.
At the hui Dr Caroline Hart provided a clinical update, then followed by an update from Astrid Koornneef, Interim Director Prevention on our priority work in the Programme including MMR, the Cold Chain Standards Review, Under 5s COVID-19 vaccine for immuno-compromised Tamariki aged 6 months to 4 years, Childhood Immunisation, and Bivalent. We concluded with an presentation on Aotearoa Immunisation Register from the AIR team.
If you missed the hui a recording is available here: Dropbox: NIP stakeholder hui 16 February 2023.
Yesterday, you will have received an email from us titled Important update for primary care providers and organisations.
Further to that email, we wanted to let you know that there is vaccination information available in alternate formats on MOH website here: Measles vaccination | Ministry of Health NZ
We have MMR collateral available in our Dropbox here: Dropbox: MMR – Simplify your life
School Immunisations - Year 7 and Year 8 Boostrix and HPV
We now have available via Dropbox a newsletter insert and poster that helps schools support the promotion of the school immunisation programme for Years 7 and 8. They will also available in Te Reo Māori by middle of next week. This material will help us promote the programme and help remind parents in the community that their child can be immunised at school for these important immunisations. There are also informational videos available to download including a Te Reo Māori version.
A campaign promoting the school immunisation programme will be live in market for six weeks from 13 February through until 26 March 2023 and will include radio, digital and search advertising. If you have any queries or need help please send us an email
COVID-19 collateral for Under 5s available
COVID-19 collateral for Under 5s (6 months to 4 year old) has been uploaded to our Dropbox: Dropbox: COVID-19 – Resources. The collateral includes COVID-19 consent form, What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination, and After the COVID-19 vaccination.
Please ensure providers are using the most up to date forms, and all consumers are given a copy to take away with them or to photograph it for referring to later.
This collateral is available for Districts to download and print, and is also available to order from Bluestar in printed tear off pads.
Weekly vaccination data
From January 2023, the weekly Trends and Insights report has been replaced with an interactive dashboard including graphs on rates over time of COVID-19 cases, hospital admissions for COVID-19, and deaths attributed to COVID-19. Our Māori and Pacific data can be found here: COVID-19 Trends and Insights, COVID-19: Current Cases, COVID-19 Case Demographics and COVID-19 Vaccine Data.
Collateral on Dropbox
Don’t forget all our immunisation collateral is available on Dropbox for health care providers to use when promoting vaccinations. Please feel free to share this link and the collateral widely with your other healthcare colleagues: Dropbox: NIP – vaccine resources – Simplify your life.
Consent forms (English and Te Reo Māori) and policy statements for use by health professionals can also be found in this Dropbox.
You can also find a range of vaccination stories on our YouTube channel.
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