Posted 3 years ago by Carole Unkovich
HNZ: Concluding the use of AstraZeneca as a COVID-19 vaccination
Dear Practice Managers,
We know there have been a number of messages from us today, but we wanted to share with you the following message about AstraZeneca. Please distribute to your networks as appropriate. Thank you.
The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is being phased out. The last day people can get AstraZeneca is 4 September, it will no longer be available in New Zealand after that.
Messages for health sector/contact centre
- AstraZeneca will no longer be available in New Zealand after 4 September
- New Zealand does not have access to further AstraZeneca doses
- We will contact people who haven’t completed their AstraZeneca courses or who have yet to receive a booster to give them the opportunity to make a booking on or before 4 September.
- The last day people will be able to get the AstraZeneca vaccine is 4 September, as the vaccine stock expires the next day. It is still effective if administered on 4 September
- Novavax remains as the non-mRNA option for those not wanting or not being able to have a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
- People unable to receive their AstraZeneca vaccination on or before 4 September or who are due their next AstraZeneca vaccination after that, should talk to their doctor or health provider about alternatives.
Messages for AstraZeneca consumers
Supporting messages
- If you have had an AstraZeneca dose but have not finished your primary course or not had a booster and are now due for a further dose, you should make a booking as Astra Zeneca won’t be available in New Zealand after 4 September.
- However, if you cannot get up to date with your vaccinations by 4 September, you will still have access to Pfizer, or Novavax as a non-mRNA alternative.
- Please discuss alternative vaccines with your doctor or health provider
Supporting messages – why/when
- Staying up to date with the recommended COVID-19 vaccinations will continue to protect you from the risk of serious illness, hospitalisation or death from COVID-19.
- You can only get your second booster six months after your first booster.
- If you have had COVID-19 recently you will need to wait at least 3 months after infection before having another COVID-19 vaccination.
- Both Novavax and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines have been extensively tested and are approved for use, and these options should be discussed with your doctor or health provider
Supporting messages – how/where
- AstraZeneca is available at select vaccination centres with bookings needing to be made through BookMyVaccine on or before 4 September. If you select AstraZeneca the site will show a list of vaccination centres where they can be given, as not all sites are able to deliver AstraZeneca.
- If you have trouble finding a booking yourself then you can call 0800 28 29 26.
Our website will be updated soon to reflect the messages above.
Ngā mihi nui,
Sandy Thambiah
Senior Adviser, Engagement
National Immunisation Programme
waea pūkoro: +64 21 248 1288| īmēra:
133 Molesworth Street, Te Whanganui-a-Tara
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